
Woman and Heritage - Exhibition and discussion in Luxembourg

Marine Mizandari, Chairperson of the National Trust of Georgia, was invited as an honorary guest to a panel discussion held in Luxembourg.

The international foundation ALIPH initiated the photo exhibition "Portraits of Women – Beyond the Stones", which was unveiled at the historic Neimënster Abbey on February 5th. The exhibition highlights successful projects funded or supported by ALIPH and aims to showcase the vital role of women in the field of cultural heritage.

Among the distinguished figures featured, Marine Mizandari in person and the portraits of women workers of the National Trust of Georgia depicted by photographer Daro Sulakauri.

The exhibition was opened by the Luxembourg Minister of Culture, H.E. Eric Thill; Minister for Gender Equality, Diversity, and Minister of Defense, H.E. Yuriko Backes; President of the ALIPH Foundation Board, Ms. Bariza Khiari; Luxembourg Minister of Culture, H.E. Eric Thill ; and the President of Neimënster, Ms. Ainhoa Achutegui. During the panel discussion Marine Mizandari spoke about the experience of Tsiskarauli tower rehabilitation in Akhieli, Khevsureti, implemented in 2021-2023.

Prior to the exhibition, the international delegation, including Marine Mizandari, met with Luxembourg’s Minister of Culture, H.E. Eric Thill, and visited the Luxembourg National Museum. The delegation was hosted by Ms. Simone Beck, President of the Luxembourg Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO.

Notably, the rehabilitation of Tsiskarauli Tower was funded by the ALIPH Foundation in collaboration with the International National Trusts Organisation, REMPART, and the Ducal Tower Association in Siedlęcin.