Asia Tsisar
Since 2014 Asia has developed projects related to sensitive points in the history of communities, such as Miller Flat, a temporary museum organized in an ordinary Kharkiv apartment in order to rethink the problematic points of the decommunization in Ukraine, The Calendar dedicated to the search for the place of the country’s history in the lives of Belarussian artists and their place in the country’s history, Instant Time dedicated to the dreams of Ukrainians about the future of their newborn country in the early ’90s. Currently, Asia is a curator of the Secondary Archive—a platform for women artists from Central and Eastern Europe: Ukraine and Belarus. She cooperates with the Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation (Poland) and works in Warsaw.
Tsisar was a chosen applicant for the art residency "Tuta" in 2024. The time she has spent in Tbilisi was useful for her research about post soviet countries and cultures, attended book presentations, lectures, travelled in regions of Georgia and presented final reading session in the national Trust's office.