Zura Jishkariani
Hello I am Zura Jishkariani, writer.
It's already been years, that I am working on the topic of experience of IDPs in my generation (first generation of independent Georgia). I have started to write series of short stories, main character is a little wild child, newly arrived from the Abkhazia war in a small port city- Poti. Stories showcase the dysfunctional systems in families and state, where government, police, court does not function and there place is taken by mafia.
My biggest motivation is to reveal the ugly truth which I have lived and have never seen anywhere else. These are memories of a child, whose thoughts is not spoiled by ideologies and are almost in subaltern state, moving far beyond in space and time, because still thousands of teenagers are in the same context.
I think because I recovered from everything it is my duty to reform words into radiobroadcasting waves to spread these lost voices.